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Content On: Pneumatology (The Holy Spirit)


8. The Holy Spirit’s Ministries, Part VI - The Filling Of The SpiritGregory Brown10/05/2021
7. The Holy Spirit’s Ministries, Part V - Spiritual GiftsGregory Brown10/05/2021
6. The Holy Spirit’s Ministries, Part IV - Baptism In The SpiritGregory Brown10/05/2021
5. The Holy Spirit’s Ministries, Part III - Sealing, Deposit, RestrainingGregory Brown10/05/2021
4. The Holy Spirit’s Ministries, Part II - IndwellingGregory Brown10/05/2021
3. The Holy Spirit’s Ministries, Part I - Inspiration, Illumination, Conviction, IntercessionGregory Brown10/05/2021
2. The Holy Spirit’s DeityGregory Brown10/05/2021
1. The Holy Spirit’s PersonhoodGregory Brown10/05/2021
The Bible Teacher’s Guide, Pneumatology: Knowing The Holy SpiritGregory Brown10/05/2021
Q. How does the Holy Spirit and filling work?Bob Deffinbaugh02/27/2021
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Question & Answers:

Jehovah Witnesses say that the Holy Spirit isn't a person because of the neuter gender in Greek. Can you respond?
How do we explain the obvious differences in the 'manifestations' of receiving the Holy Spirit then (Acts era) and now?
What do you think about “prophetic intercession”?
What do I say to a friend who is attracted to the charismatic “word of knowledge” that can give insight into one’s future?
What does the Bible say about laying on of hands to heal someone who is sick?
How did the Holy Spirit operate in the lives of OT saints?
Why did the spirit from God make Saul lay naked before Samuel?
Is “spirit-controlled” the same as “spirit-filled”?
What does Acts 1:8 mean: “when the Holy Spirit has come upon you”?
Were the Samaritans an illustration of a “second blessing”?
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